Pole and Device Manager

Pole and Device Manager
Turn Off Media Player and Loudspeakers Media Player and Speaker ON Live Feed to Speakers Device Management Status Live Broadcaster Console Listen to the Internal Station Internal Azuracast Media Broadcaster Device Status Information Live Broadcaster Overview

Turn Off Media Player and Loudspeakers

This button turns off the media player and silences the loudspeaker on the pole.

Use this to stop playing content before playing any additional content.

Media Player and Speaker ON

This turns on the loudspeakers and plays broadcast content from the INTERNAL radio station.

Content and scheduling for this is managed through the Internal Radio Manager.

Live Feed to Speakers

This activates the pole loudspeakers and plays the Internet feed from the SheepStation LIVE Broadcast Manager.

Turn off any other speaker content before turning this on. Be sure to turn off the speakers after you have finished your broadcast or announcement.

Device Management Status

This shows whether the device is in contact with the management system gateway.

If it is ACTIVE you can manage it and broadcast to it through the interface(s).

If it is DOWN you cannot manage it (The device MIGHT still be functioning and playing internally scheduled content though).

Live Broadcaster Console

This will open up the SheepStation LIVE Broadcast Manager. Once this is open you can login to the Internet broadcaster and broadcast your announcement or program to the pole loudspeakers for each of the villages you have chosen and activated.

Listen to the Internal Station

This lets you receive an Internet stream from the SheepStation Device's internal radio station.  You can listen to what is playing internally even if the speakers are not active at that point.

Internal Azuracast Media Broadcaster

This is the internal broadcaster for the SheepStation and pole. This is where you can schedule content and programs to be played on a regular or daily basis.  An internal setting in the device can then be activated to turn on the speakers at the desired times. (This is done by Reach Beyond).

Device Status Information

This shows a technical status page with device information including temperature, and remaining drive space plus how many devices are connected to the hotspot.  It also shows if the media player and loudspeaker are presently active.

Live Broadcaster Overview

You can find instructions and learn more about the device and management systems by clicking here.